Camp The Night Away With These Great Tips

Camping may sound like an activity you may have done as a kid with your parents or at a camp, but you can still enjoy it. Camping can still be enjoyable as an adult when you are armed with the proper information. You can get some suggestions here to help you.

When you're getting a brand new tent for your camping trip, take it out and set it up at home before you go camping. This will let you know that you're not missing pieces from your tent and that you know how to pitch your tent in the right way. Also, this can help to reduce the difficulty that you have when out in the wilderness.

When choosing a tent, pick one that has plenty of room for you and all of your camping companions. This will ensure comfort while inside the tent.

Attend a class in first aid; this is a really good idea if you are camping with children. You will be prepared for any accidents that may occur and can survive until you reach professional medical care. You should also do some research. You should be aware of things like whether there are snakes around and what kind of animals live there.

Double check your medical insurance. You may need another policy if you're going to a different state. This is very important if you will be camping in a foreign country. Always be prepared.

Bring oranges. Not only are they nutritious, but the peels can be used for mosquito repellant. After you've eaten the flesh of the fruit, save all the peels. When you need bug repellant, rub the peels on your skin to repel mosquitos naturally and on the cheap!

Don't leave home without all of your essential camping equipment. For example, your trip can be ruined if you forget your sleeping bag or tent. Double check all your supplies to make sure they are accounted for and in working condition. Do this before you leave.

Inform your children of possible dangers before taking them camping. It only takes a few minutes of going online to look at photos of plants they should avoid, such as poison ivy or other such things, to make sure your camping venture is free from common mishaps.

Plan several activities to do while camping. Pack such things as cards, fishing poles or even plan for a scavenger hunt. If the kids are camping with you, you'll need to increase the amount of entertainment items that you pack.

If you are pitching a tent, look for soft, level ground. If you pick out a sloped or a rocky spot it can make sleeping and hanging out in the tent very uncomfortable. Also, use a tarp under your tent to keep water out and prevent damage.

A checklist is essential before embarking on any camping journey. This is especially important if you must travel a while to get to the campgrounds. Start packing a few days ahead of your trip, and tick items off as you pack them.

When bringing the kids along for the ride, keep a picture on your person at all times. If your children get lost during your trip, a picture of them can be very helpful. Make sure you bring one for emergencies, especially if you are camping far from home.

Keep an eye out on your camping area. You should avoid setting up near any insect breeding grounds like wasp's nest and beehives. If you must erect your tent near dense areas of vegetation, make sure that you wear tops with long sleeves and full length pants in order to protect your body's skin from insect bites. Don't forget to bring along the bug spray.

Duct tape is a great fix-all for camping trips. While tents are generally well-made, it is not unusual for them to tear. A little duct tape can means you can still sleep dry through a rainy night.

Seal all the seams when pitching your tent. If you tent did not include a tube of sealer, you can find it at sporting goods stores. Sealing your tent will keep out rainwater and unwelcome critters.

Safety comes first when camping. This means you're going to have to stay away from various forms of wildlife that may be in the area you're camping in. Squirrels, raccoons and the like can be quite dangerous, even though they are small. Bears should never be fed in the wild under any circumstances.

An old shower curtain makes the perfect DIY tent tarp. You can also use it as a site area to cook or wash, where you can control run-off easily. Instead of consigning your shower curtain to the dumpster, wash it and keep it around for your next camping trip.

If you enjoyed camping when you were younger, you can go again if you really want to. This article should serve as a catalyst for inspiration that will help you plan a camping trip that will rival your childhood memories.


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