Get Better Results From Your Time In The Kitchen With These Simple Tips

For many, cooking is a calming and gratifying pastime. A very aromatic kitchen with plenty of fresh ingredients is almost certain to brighten your day. Gathering the recipes required, and perfecting the necessary skills to cook a really memorable meal, is a challenge, though. The following article will provide you with the tips and tricks you need to make mouth-watering dishes.

Keep all dried spices in a dark space that stays room temperature. Exposure to heat, light, and humidity can cause them to lose their flavor. Usually, ground herbs and spices retain their flavor for 12 months. If kept whole, spices can keep their flavor for up to five years. Spices that are stored correctly remain fresher for longer.

If using oil in your cooking, pour it in the pan in an area away from the food. By the time the oil reaches the food it has been heated up and is ready to roll. This will make your food more flavorful when it is ready to serve.

You can always save the sauce that you put so much effort into. Combine two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of cornstarch in a bowl and mix. Add this mix to the sauce little by little until it becomes thicker. Add the starch slowly and stir the sauce constantly to avoid making it too thick.

Having knives that are very sharp is essential when cooking. Knives are actually more dangerous when they get dull, because they get harder to control. If you have to work on forcing a dull knife to go through something, you're much more likely to accidentally cut yourself in the process than with the one quick, clean cut of a sharpened knife.

Are you partial to using fresh basil in your cooking? Try placing clumps of fresh basil into a clear, glass container. Fill with water to cover the stems. Put it on top of your kitchen counter and it will be fresh for weeks! Switching out the water from time to time will cause the basil to grow, as well. Encourage growth by cutting or trimming the basil now and then, and you will be able to use fresh basil for a long time!

By doing so, the mushrooms will absorb the water like a sponge. The right way to clean the mushrooms would be by hand, using a clean, wet cloth.

The smell of garlic can transfer to your hands easily. An easy way to prevent such scents from adhering to your skin is to rub exposed areas on the stainless steel of your sink. The steel will clean your hands and remove the smell. You can buy stainless steel "soaps" at your local kitchen store to keep on hand.

Ice trays can be a great tool for freezing sauces. When you do this, making a quick meal can be accomplished by simply reheating by using a saute pan. Sauce cubes made this way are safe and will taste great!

Finding the correct amount of time to grill certain meats is a science that not many of us know how to do. Try using a good quality meat thermometer, to see whether the inside of the meat has reached the right temperature for proper cooking and good taste. If you have thick meat, more than a inch and a half, close the grill to make cooking time shorter.

All sugars, flours, and mixes should be stored in airtight containers. Keeping your food in sealed containers will keep them fresher longer as the air can't reach them. You can buy these nearly anywhere, so they're a worthwhile investment.

When preparing chicken stock, it is best to make a large batch. If you prepare a large pot of stock, it can be frozen and stored for future use. You can use that delicious chicken stock in stews, casseroles, and soups. First, cool the stock and then stick it in the freezer.

Using chicken broth is something you can try when you're making vegetables. Chicken broth is an excellent base to use when preparing vegetable dishes that helps keep them from sticking and gives them some flavor. Chicken broth doesn't cost much, and is widely available at most grocery stores.

When making a dish that contains garlic, make sure you purchase the freshest garlic at the store. Fresh garlic has a sweeter taste. Fresh garlic is firm, not shriveled or soft.

Make sure you thoroughly clean your utensils before starting to cook. Bits of food on your utensils could contaminate the dish you are cooking. There is a possibility this may introduce bacteria into the food.

As this article has discussed, cooking is revered by many as an excellent and enjoyable hobby. However, some people don't know where to start, in terms of picking the right recipes or using the proper techniques. Follow this article's advice and you will be on your way to cooking great food.


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